; EDI Install Pro - v1.00 - Installation Script ; Eschalon Development Inc. [Application] ; Application information Name=BizWiz and M-B-A-nalyst Title=BizWiz & M-B-A-nalyst Installation Directory=C:\CALCTECH PM Group=CalcTech Calculators Free Space=576 Files Total=300 Background=Dithered Bitmap File=install.cal Readme=license.txt [Components] ;List of components. Description and size (in KB). 1="Documentation" 16 2="BizWiz financial calculator" 271 3="M-B-A-nalyst financial calculator" 289 [Disks] ;List of disks needed. Names are used for user request. They ;do not need to be the disk's label. 1=BizWiz and M-B-A-nalyst [Directories] ;lists of directories that must be created from the destination directory ;files to be copied are in the same directory structure on the ;floppy (by default). You may use 0 as the root destination directory. [Files] ;description, filename, (Component #), (dir #), (diskette #), (Compressed?), (Version Check) ReadMe text file=README.TXT 1 0 1 N A License agreement=LICENSE.TXT 1 0 1 N A Order Form Icon=INSTALL.ICO 1 0 1 N A BizWiz Site Form 2=BIZSITE.TXT 1 0 1 N A BizWiz Site Form 1=BIZSITE.WRI 1 0 1 N A M-B-A-nalyst Site Form 2=MBASITE.TXT 1 0 1 N A M-B-A-nalyst Site Form 1=MBASITE.WRI 1 0 1 N A Order Form Text=ORDRFORM.TXT 1 0 1 N a Order Form=ORDRFORM.WRI 1 0 1 N A BizWiz Program=BIZWIZ.EX$ 2 0 1 Y A BizWiz Help=BIZWIZ.HL$ 2 0 1 Y A M-B-A-nalyst Program=MBA.EX$ 3 0 1 Y A M-B-A-nalyst Help=MBA.HL$ 3 0 1 Y A [PM Group] ;description, Command line (with relative path), Icon name (with relative path), Icon index ;Use "%%" (without the quotes) to specify the files path. Don't forget the "\"! ;Enclose command line in quotes (") if it contains any parameters. ;(EX: "WRITE.EXE %%\TEXT.WRI") ;The only required entry is the program. You don't have to specify the others if you ;don't need them. BizWiz=2 %%\BIZWIZ.EXE M-B-A-nalyst=3 %%\MBA.EXE Order Form=1 "WRITE.EXE %%\ORDRFORM.WRI" %%\INSTALL.ICO BizWiz Site License=2 "WRITE.EXE %%\BIZSITE.WRI" %%\INSTALL.ICO M-B-A-nalyst Site License=3 "WRITE.EXE %%\MBASITE.WRI" %%\INSTALL.ICO